Advice to motorists

Whether the car is necessary to the modern woman? This question is not urgent any more, it is more reasonable to ask: "And whether you have it?". The car also strongly entered life of women as a sunbed, an epilation, a permanent make-up and other delights.




The car does the woman really free. It can quietly bring the child to sports section, to additional classes, to kindergarten, to school. Time when the child is engaged, she can spend with advantage: to go to hairdressing salon, a supermarket. And still the car helps the woman to be beautiful! She can put on any clothes and footwear now, but not that in which it is more convenient to carry the kid and bags with products.

If you want to prove to men that you the real driver, then you should understand car "interiors". If just jammed the lock or you lost the alarm system — do not panic. Call service which can open a car door without keys.


Under a cowl of the car there is a system of ignition. If you have not a latest model of the car, and it is not equipped with electronics, then your system will consist of mechanical and electric devices. Their function — to provide ignition of working mix at all power setting.


But the most important what you have to remember always that all pieces of iron, (covers of the distributor, the ignition coil, contacts of chains, isolation of wires of candles) which are inside, under a cowl, have to keep the most ideal purity. You watch their purity, they in turn will ensure to you full functioning of the engine. The engine works steadily if in your car there is no continuous leakage of a high-tension current.


And still, you do not want that your motor in the middle of the road decayed? Reliability of operation of the coil of ignition depends on its contents too. The purity level is higher, the longer it to you will serve. If last time you wiped it with the hygienic wet towel wipes, then in the future it is necessary to address the expert. Humour, generally, do not pull all this, and in time address to car service.